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HZ - Frequencies
If you always wanted to know what Hz meant and how I could use it to tweak my sound.
Knowing the frequencies, the HZ of the notes of the ukulele can help you to know what to cut or boost when it comes to sound.
Hertz - Hz
The hertz (symbol: Hz) is the derived unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI) and is defined as one cycle per second. It is named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves.
MIDI note number shown with each frequency: Middle C is C4.
Standard Ukulele and Guitar Tunings
These are what have been , historically called the Standard
tunings for ukulele and guitar.
Ukulele • Low G, C Tuning
- G3 = 196.0 Hz
- C4 = 261.6 Hz
- E4 = 329.6 Hz
- A4 = 440 Hz
Ukulele • High G, C Tuning
- G4 = 392.0 Hz
- C4 = 261.6 Hz
- E4 = 329.6 Hz
- A4 = 440 Hz
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HZ - Frequencies…
Bass Guitar
Standard Tuning
- E1 = 41.20 Hz
- A2 = 55 Hz
- D1 = 73.42 Hz
- G2 = 98 Hz
Standard Tuning
- E1 = 82.41 Hz
- A2 = 110 Hz
- D1 = 146.8 Hz
- G2 = 196 Hz
- G2 = 246.9 Hz
- G2 = 329.6 Hz
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