Actor Comedian Musician Ukulele Ukuleleist

King Kukulele

Denny Moynahan Hollywood, **California **USA Tel: (213) 500 KING
Listing Info
from the King Kukulele web site
Denny Moynahan, whose stage name is King Kukulele, is a comedian, actor and ukuleleist with inexorable energy who has performed around the world, singing hapa haole and novelty songs. Wearing Hawaiian shirt, straw hat, ersatz grass skirt and lei, he has opened Hollywood premieres and performed at Disneyland, Universal Studios, other venues. He composed a promotional song about tropical fruits and fish for the Orange County Fair, as well as “I Don’t Eat Poop,” a song written for the California Board of Public Health as part of a campaign to discourage the spread of human waste at public beaches. The latter song was not used. But check out the genius of the King here at his personal site.
<ul class="csp-list fa-ul"> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Weird America :- King Kukulele</a></li> </ul>
More information available on the King Kukulele's web site.
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