Band Ensemble Group Musician Ukulele

Langley Ukulele Ensemble

Paul Luongo director Langley, British Columbia Canada
The Langley Ukulele Association Hotline: 604-340-UKES
Listing Info
from the Langley Ukulele Ensemble web site
The Langley Ukulele Ensemble is Canada’s premier ukulele ensemble and has established the City of Langley as the “Ukulele Capital of Canada.” It is based out of Langley, British Columbia, Canada. Composed of 20 young musicians, aged 13–21, the ensemble performs 50-80 concerts a year, in their community, regionally, as well as traveling across Canada, to Florida, Texas, California, the Pacific Northwest, Japan and Hawaii. The Langley Ukulele Ensemble is now beginning its 26th year under the direction of Peter Luongo. During this time the group has developed a reputation at home and abroad for excellence in musical performance. The 23 ensemble members range in age from 13 to 22 years, and all attend either elementary, middle, secondary, or post secondary institutions.
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