Festival Ukulele

Oakridge Ukulele Festival

48175 E 1st ST Oakridge, OR 97463 USA
Contact Person: - Lynda Kamerrer Contact e-mail: info@oakridgehostel.com
Listing Info
from the Oakridge Ukulele Festival web site
Third annual Oakridge Ukulele Festival in Oakridge, OR. We have a new venue for classes this year, the Westridge School, a large flexible space. Also new in 2013 is camping in RV’s or tents on the school lawn, hot showers inside the school. Local lodging in motels or B&B’s, RV parks, and camping in the national forest also available. On Saturday evening there will be a variety of performances and jams in the Uptown Neighborhood of Oakridge, shuttles to/from Westridge School will run at convenient times for festival participants.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.