Club Ukulele Meetup

Philadelphia Main Line Ukulele Group

Philadelphia, Pennslyvania USA
Listing Info
from the Philadelphia Main Line Ukulele Group web site
This Meetup Group gives all players, no matter what the experience level the chance to learn from one another and jam with each other. This Meetup will be held in the Western Suburbs of Philadelphia in the Wayne, PA general vicinity. So if you’re close by, love the Uke and looking for some good folks to play with, please sign up and all of the details will follow. We will play a wide variety of music from old standards from the 20’s and 30’s, Hawaiian Music, Classic Rock, Modern Pop, Country, Punk, Reggae and anything else that is of interest. We need singers as well. So if you like to sing please join the group. We can also add some guitar players and bass players. Kazoo, bell, drum and percussion folks always welcome! Hope to see you soon!
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.