Active Guitar Manufacture Passive Pickups Preamps Ukulele

Pick Up The World

PO Box 7122 Corte Madera, CA 94976 USA 415-295-4599 / 800-217-0590
Listing Info
from the Pick Up The World web site
Pick-up the World is dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and to this end, PUTW’s pickups are now built using 100% non-polluting, renewable energy. Additionally, all of PUTW’s pickup packaging is made from United States small farm grown / Non GMO quick composting plant based materials.
25 years of working with and creating custom pickup systems for ethnic and unusual musical instruments has lead us towards the development of our all new Integrated World Instrument Product Line! Our pickups have been optimally sized to perfectly capture the unique vibrations of these intriguing instruments. (Ed.PUTW’s site has a great FAQ section on the different types of pickups, active vs. passive and general information regading acoustic instrument pickups.)
More information available on the Pick Up The World's web site.
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