Banjo Bouzouki Cello Dulcimer Guitar Gypsy Harp Maccaferri Mandola Mandolin Piano Pickups Preamps Resonator Selmer Tools Ukulele Violin
Schatten Design
367 Ottawa Street South
Kitchener, Ontario Canada N2M 3P3
(519) 742-3862 fax (519) 742-1843
toll free (877) 633-0177
Listing Info
from the Schatten Design web site
Schatten Design’s continuing quest to build the finest pickups, preamps, and related accessories in the world has produced some truly fine new products. Newly introduced at the 2010 Los Angeles NAMM show was a series of innovative pickups for Uprighnt Bass and for Steel String Acoustics. Also introduced was a new endpin jack preamp, The Player Preamp. <a href="" target="_blank">The Dualie</a> for Ukulele Dual Element Acoustic Soundboard Pickup
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