Acoustic Flattop Guitar Luthier

Timberline Guitars

PO Box 292 Poway, CA 92074 USA Phone: 858-382-3658 Fax: 858-549-4289 Kevin Hall Wilno, ON Canada K0J 2N0 613-757-3027
Listing Info
from the Timberline Guitars web site
Timberline Guitars was started by **Rob Smith **under the simple premise of building high quality, hand-made solid timber guitars for prices below where guitars of this quality had ever been sold before.
**Kevin Hall **subsequently joined Timerline in the technical capacity of Bush–Dwelling Guitar Hermit. Smith runs the business side from Southern California; Hall designs, tweaks, invents, refines, improves and generally creates guitar magic from his home base outside Toronto, Canada. Kevin also runs Timberline Music, Canada.
More information available on the Timberline Guitars's web site.
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