Concerts Festival Ukulele Workshops

The International Ukulele Ceilidh in Nova Scotia

Liverpool, Nova Scotia Canada Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh Society P.O. Box 549, Milton, Nova Scotia B0T 1P0
Listing Info
from the The International Ukulele Ceilidh in Nova Scotia web site
The International Ukulele Ceilidh features major concerts, several workshops, ad-lib jamming sessions, street busking, the latest inductee to the Ukulele Hall of Fame, and a general party like atmosphere in the tradition of an old-fashioned ceilidh.
The Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh Society is a not for profit organization.The future success of our festival depends on the role of our sponsors and private donations. Through generous past support we have been able to continue to host the Ceilidh in Liverpool and we are very grateful for the role that our sponsors and donors have played in supporting us. If you are able to contribute to the Ceilidh’s success, private donations are also welcome.
More information available on the The International Ukulele Ceilidh in Nova Scotia's web site.
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