Author Magazine Publisher Ukulele

Ukulele Player

Mickey Maguire Founder of Tricorn Publications. Author of five books, including "Get Happy, Write Away" --a plan for discovering your PASSION in life, finding HAPPINESS, and completing life goals.
Listing Info
from the Ukulele Player web site
Tricorn Publications, A Revolutionary Publisher offering original written works, historical documents, and classic works of prose in electronic form. This publishing house was created to provide people with electronic versions of works in the "public domain" and for writers to get their works 'out there' where people can read and enjoy them.
( Update October 2017 ) - Checking on the site Ukulele Player magazine seems to have stopped with issue 33. Checkout out all the issues as they are a great read.
( Update July 2014 ) - The new Ukulele Player Magazine and blog. Rather than have you wait a while between issues, the way we used to do things, we'll be added updates and articles, news and reviews on a regular basis. We have writers to help make the site interesting and timely.
More information available on the Ukulele Player's web site.
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