Festival Ukulele

Windy City Uke Fest

The Tiki Terrace 1591 Lee St Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 ( NE Corner of Lee/Manheim & Oakton ) Phone: 874 795 TIKI
Listing Info
from the Windy City Uke Fest web site
August 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2008, VIP Reception on July 31st at 9 PM, The Tiki Terrace ( <a href="http://(www.thetikiterrace.com" target="_blank">www.thetikiterrace.com</a> ) Just outside Chicago in Des Plaines, Illinois, 1591 Lee St, Des Plaines, IL 60018 - NE Corner of Lee/Manheim & Oakton
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