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Old Town School of Folk Music

4544 N Lincoln Ave.<br>Chicago, IL 60625<br>USA<br>(773) 728-6000
Listing Info
from the Old Town School of Folk Music web site
Founded in 1957, the Old Town School of Folk Music provides a wide range of music, dance, theater, and visual arts courses to people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Whatever one’s interest, the Old Town School provides broad access to more than 700 accredited class offerings, private lessons, and workshops that span an array of artistic genres.
The Old Town School experienced tremendous growth since opening its Lincoln Square facility in 1998. With an accessible education model, an array of diverse arts offerings, a dedicated and talented faculty, and an entrepreneurial spirit, the Old Town School has been able to fulfill its mission for tens of thousands more people -- students, concert audiences, school children and working artists.
More information available on the Old Town School of Folk Music's web site.
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