Club Ukulele

Berkeley Ukulele Club

**DaSilva Ukulele Co. ** 2547 8th Street, #28 Berkeley, California 94710 USA
Phone: 510 649-1548
Listing Info
from the Berkeley Ukulele Club web site
The Berkeley Ukulele Club is an active community of ukulele players, musicians and singers from all over the San Francisco Bay area. We have our big meetups on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month in Berkeley, California and smaller neighborhood jams throughout the San Francisco Bay Area in between. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned player, please join us twice a month to share songs, techniques and music and uke talk. There are no dues or membership. Just show up and have fun. Everyone is welcome. We love to play!
We meet twice a month to have fun, learn how to play, and grow as musicians. Meetings are held at DaSilva Ukulele Co. which has easy parking, lots of room, lots of chairs, lots of ukuleles and other instruments and no noise level restrictions. Everyone is welcome - if you don't own an instrument or have never played one, this is a great way to find out about them and an easy way to learn. There will definitely be ukuleles at the meeting for you to try out. If you have been playing for awhile, there is no better way to expand your music horizons by meeting and playing with others and also sharing what you know. We do ask for a small donation ($5) at the door to help defray meeting room cost, but no one will be turned away. We utilize songs from various sources including the Berkeley Ukulele Club Songbook.
More information available on the Berkeley Ukulele Club's web site.
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