Club Concerts Meetup Ukulele Workshops

Funky Frets Ukulele Meetup

Funky Frets 124 N. Chestnut St. Boyertown, Pennslyvania 19512 USA
Listing Info
from the Funky Frets Ukulele Meetup web site
Funky Frets is the `ukulele home of Curt & Bernadette Sheller and their daughter Kelly. A true Mom and Pop or as our grandson TJ might say “Mom Mom and Pop-o” music store specializing in All Things Ukulele.
Curt has written and published over 30 books for ukulele. Curt also maintains his personal, very popular web site with over 400 ukulele lessons, links and resource to builders, luthiers, festivals, clubs, manufactures, fellow musicians and a lot more. Curt has performed and presented ukulele workshops at various `ukulele festivals our the USA.
This meetup group is for ukulele get togethers, jams, workshops and concert announcements. As well as any great `ukulele related events we can host at the store.
We’re looking forward to building a vibrant `ukulele community in this neck of the woods.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.