Concert Festival Ukulele Workshops

Charm City Ukulele Festival

Creative Alliance 3134 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21224 USA
Inside The Patterson Theater at the corner of Eastern Avenue and East Avenue.
- www.creativealliance...
Listing Info
from the Charm City Ukulele Festival web site
Charm City celebrates that most charming of instruments “ the mighty uke! Born in Hawaii in the 1880s, but with roots from Portugal, this jewel of the Jazz Age, and a staple of Canadian's musical education in British Columbia, the uke temporarily lost steam post Tiny Tim only to rise again in the early '90s. Today we gather a cast of celebrated uke players who have dedicated themselves to exploring the unpretentious little instrument's full range for an afternoon of hands on workshops and an evening of wondrous performances.
The Creative Alliance builds communities by bringing together artists and audiences from diverse backgrounds to experience spectacular arts and education programs and engage in the creative process. We provide support to area artists, promote Baltimore as a center for creative production, act as a positive force in our community, and advocate for cultural expression rooted in a sense of place.
Founded by volunteers in 1995 as the Fells Point Creative Alliance, the organization operated for several years out of an old Fells Point rowhouse as an innovative hybrid of gallery, performance space and artist guild. Integrating the arts and humanities into the fabric of daily life, the Creative Alliance presented exhibitions of contemporary art, readings of poetry and fiction, workshops for adults and youths, and lectures on regional aspects of art and history. Partnerships were built with neighborhood businesses and community organizations, and both audiences and memberships grew exponentially each year.
More information available on the Charm City Ukulele Festival's web site.
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