Manufacture Ukulele

Big Island Ukulele Co

Honu Ukulele 3057 Koapaka St. F1 Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 USA
Phone: 808-833-0871 Toll Free: 1-866-648-4036 Fax: 808-443-0157
Listing Info
from the Big Island Ukulele Co web site
<img class="float-left" src="/images/logos/H/logo-HonuUkulele.png" alt="logo-HonuUkulele.png" width="61" height="68" />The company was started to fill a need in the market for reasonably-priced, very high quality solid koa ukuleles. Having roots deep in Hawaii in the forestry industry supplying Hawaiian koa to ukulele makers around the world, we felt we could capitalize on our ability to supply high quality koa at an affordable cost for our own line of instruments. Decades of experience in the wood industry working with some of the finest luthiers in the world gave us a special insight into and access to one of the most important parts of an instrument- the wood! You cannot ever build an excellent instrument if you don’t start with excellent wood.
This is where our main competitive advantage lies- we are our own source of koa and other local Hawaiian tonewoods. From harvesting the tree to distributing our own instruments- we leave out all the typical middlemen and offer those savings directly to the customer without sacrificing quality! All of our koa is harvested from the Big Island of Hawaii in a manner consistent with best management practices and abiding by the Forest Stewardship Certification (FSC) standards.
More information available on the Big Island Ukulele Co's web site.
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