Festival Ukulele

Rocket City Ukulele Festival

NSS Conference Center Grounds 6001 Pulaski Pike NW Huntsville, Alabama 35810 USA
Listing Info
from the Rocket City Ukulele Festival web site
The Rocket City Ukulele Festival will be held on Saturday May 5 2018 on the grounds of the National Speleological Society (NSS) in Huntsville, Alabama and will be organized and conducted by the Tennessee Valley Ukulele Club.
The festival's goal is to promote interest in and enjoyment of the Ukulele in and around the Tennessee Valley and to advance and share "Ukulele Love" and the "Hawaiian Spirit of Aloha". The program will feature beginner sessions and classes on various aspect of the ukulele care and playing. Those not participating in the classes will be able to gather in small group to share music and expertise. Open-mic sessions will be available and the performances will be held on the stage.The festival will also offer opportunities for club performances and group participation strum-along. Other ukulele and Hawaii-related activities and performances may be included as available.
More information available on the Rocket City Ukulele Festival's web site.
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