Club Ukulele

Coalition of Union-County Ukuleles

La Grande, **Oregon **USA
Listing Info
from the Coalition of Union-County Ukuleles web site
CU-CU, the Coalition of Union-County Ukuleles, is open to the community, welcoming young and young at heart! (Any age--preferably 4th grade up because of the motor skill thing!) We meet at the La Grande Forestry and Range Science Lab, 1401 Gekeler Lane on the first Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. CU-CU is a positive way to share your love of music with like-minded people of different backgrounds and ages. The ukulele is a popular instrument that takes little investment to get started. The ukulele is ideal for its portability, ability to play melody and harmony, sounds great in groups or alone, and is FUN to play!
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.