Duo Musician Ukulele

Ditch Lilies

Lisa Schultz & Kari Larson P.O. Box 12 Maiden Rock, WI 54750 USA Phone: 715-448-4015
Listing Info
from the Ditch Lilies web site
There is a mystical detour along the road of American Roots Music, right before genres had drawn lines in the sand proclaiming this to be "bluegrass" or that to be "honky-tonk". The lines were imposed during the advance of technology with the likes of 78 record players and radio coming into fashion. It was a great melting pot of swing, blues, jazz, and old-time country where all manner of musicians would simply play popular music, seemingly without apology or without being hemmed in by commercial restriction. You would hear rural outfits playing their own version of jazz or polished urban swing bands performing rustic mountain music. County by county, region by region, state by state, music would adapt, shift and morph to take on the fabric of its surroundings.
Kari Larson and Lisa Schultz have loved and performed what has now come to be named "Americana" for many years and in several different incarnations. But together, over a decade ago, The DitchLilies swerved off onto that mystical detour, and ever since then they have been turning back in time, again and again, to dust off the rare and forgotten tunes or to hone the familiar, tried and true melodies with the aim of carrying them forward to share with their audiences of today.
More information available on the Ditch Lilies's web site.
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