Educator Musician Teacher Ukulele

Listing Info
from the J. (John) Chalmers Doane web site
Commitment to education, dedication, long-term outstanding leadership as a cultural educator, excellence in skills in the education of both individuals and groups, in the performing art of music, innovation and creativity are truly characteristics of J. Chalmers Doane. Once called “The Pied Piper of Halifax”, Nova Scotia native Chalmers Doane opened the doors to the magic of music for hundreds of children. From 1967 to 1985, Chalmers emerged as an imaginative and dynamic supervisor of music in the Halifax school system, introducing one of the largest string programs in the country, consistent instrumental classes taught by specialists, and award winning stage bands.
As Director of Music Education for the then City of Halifax, he organized and implemented the province’s first school instrumental program. Consistently, he has exercised a positive approach - a therapeutic method which fills the participants with the joy of music. Inspired by the belief that music is for everyone, he has dedicated many years to helping people of all ages who would like to play a wide range of instruments. Not happy to be only an administrator, he taught many classes daily during his seventeen years in Halifax. Chalmers said that he would like to see Halifax become known as a musical city. To that end, bi-weekly music classe were introduced in every elementary school, starting at the primary level. The goal was to produce musically literate students by the end of Grade 6. Instrumental and choral experiences were additional opportunities for those with keen interest. The benefits of that program can be heard every day in Halifax, and in cities around the world - from the many performers who do their hometown proud, to the audiences who cheer them on.
More information available on the J. (John) Chalmers Doane's web site.
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