Luthier Ukulele

Ryan's Ukes

Seneca/Clemson, South Carolina USA
Listing Info
from the Ryan's Ukes web site
Ryan picked up a ukulele a few years ago and hasn't looked back.Ryan is a music minister in a church and has found it to be a new avenue of music ministry. After playing a bit, Ryan looked around for a more advanced instrument. There were many choices available, but not "exactly" what he was looking for. In his my internet search, he came across a wonderful guitar and ukulele builder, Jay Lichty.
Ryan even had the pleasure of meeting him at his shop in North Carolina. After talking to him, Ryan decided to build one of his own. You will see a strong influence of the Lichty style and look in the ukuleles of Ryan's Ukes. encourages you to check Jay Lichty out too.
More information available on the Ryan's Ukes's web site.
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Additional Information for: Ryan's Ukes
Here is what Ryan has to say about his ukuleles:
I think most players fall into the category in which I find intermediate/advanced player with a desire to own an advanced instrument. So, now that I have built many instruments, I am excited to offer folks the option of a very fine professional quality CUSTOM BUILT instrument for a very good price.