They’re a lot, and by
A Lot
, I mean a lot of ukulele chord sites on-line for looking up and finding chords for the ukulele. Sites with free charts, I even offer a few of those myself. There's software for your computer and smart-phone applications. These are basically chord dictionaries, you look up the chord. Not the way to go in the long run. Charts, software and dictionaries don't really help you learn chords beyond a few basic chords.
If your goal is to expand your chord vocabulary and not have to look up chords anymore then – My book A Guide to Advanced Chords for Ukulele is your answer. A Guide to Advanced Chords for Ukulele presents a highly organized and efficient approach to the mysterious subject of advanced chords. Chord dictionaries are not the answer. Even chord theory does not offer any insight into unraveling the complexity of Ukulele chord voicings.
A companion book to A Guide to Advanced Chords for Ukulele is Exploring Jazz Chords on Ukulele. This book takes the chords covered in A Guide to Advanced Chords for Ukulele and shows one solution using the chord changes to songs commonly in a jazz musician's repertoire.
Beyond a few basic open position and movable form chords there's NO way you can memorize all the possible chords shapes. You wouldn't even want to try. Learning and knowing how chords are created, constructed and work is the way to go. You can
checkout all my chord books on the ukulele chords page.
The to the chord sites below are here for reference only. I've visited all of the sites and I'm typically not impressed ( see above ). Their inclusion is the list is not an indication of their value or a recommendation from me. After reading above you should know my stance on chord charts, software, apps and the like. A chord chart of basic chords is only a start of building a solid chord foundation. It's from these basic chords you can build your chord vocabulary, knowing a few principles and tools of chord construction you can build any chord you will ever need.
Some points to remember when visiting and checking out these sites.
Chord dictionaries are not the answer. Even chord theory does not offer any insight into unraveling the complexity of chord voicings. Beyond a few core open position and movable form chords, there is no way to memorize all the possible chord shapes available on ukulele. Knowing how chords work and deriving new chords from these know chords is a lot more beneficial in the long run to enjoying and exploring ukulele.
Be leery of magic potions and too good to be true claims to learning chords. There is NO shortcut to doing the work. But with a solid foundation, a few core chords and a well organized plan, it's a goal any player can achieve - Just takes time and is well worth it.
I've had new guitar students say to me, “I know all the chords.”. Nobody can make that claim but can say, “I can create any chord I ever need.” That I would have a chance of believing.
{Knowing the notes of chords and the ukulele fingerboard is the way to go for transposing known chords to additional keys and deriving new chords from known chords. There are just way too many chord ‘shapes’ to memorize as a way to building a massive chord vocabulary.
Web site chord finders, mobile phone apps, chord dictionaries, chord charts and watching other players for the chords just doesn't work when the song starts playing. You can't look up chords in the middle of a song. You need to know the chords are what substitutes are possible ahead of time. And, have the ability to switch between chords in performance tempo.
There's no magic or secret to knowing a lot of chords. It's a solid foundation with a lot of work. Now get to work!!!
- Curt Sheller’s Chord Charts - link
This is my site, right here. I have FREE basic and core chord charts, eBooks and hard copy books for learning chords and finally learning how chords are created.
- Accords de Ukulele - link
- Brook Adams, Ukulele Chords for the G C E A tuning - link
- Doctor Uke - Theory/What Should I Practice ?
Very nice lesson on learning chords: Approach To Learning Basic Chords
- Brian's Huge Chordlist Collection - link
- Printable Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo Chord Generator - link
Over 1,000,000 chords by Jim Cranwell
- ChordSongs by John Baxter- link
ChordSongs provides a simple interface for creating chord charts. Chords for six tunings are available: Soprano Uke (ADF#B), Tenor Uke (GCEA), Baritone Uke (DGBE), Guitar (EADGBE), Mandolin (GDAE), and Mandola (CGDA). You only need to create a chord chart once. Selecting a different tuning will convert your tune to that tuning.
- The Chord Genome Project - link -
The Chord Genome Project is an index of songs from around the Web. All 400,000 of these tunes are searchable by their chords
- GoChords - link
Create your own lead sheets, including chord tablature, lyrics and simple notation.
-, Ukulele Mandolin Banjo Chord Generator - link
- Japanese Chord Site - link
In Japanese - but usefull for any language.
-, Chord Magic & Chord Theory - link
- NSA Software - link
- A Compilation of Sing-Along, Folk, & Rock Guitar Songs (with chords and lyrics) - link
Can be transposed to any key.
- Sheep Entertainment : Laiya and Louis Ukulele Ukulele Chordfinder - link
- Stefans Ukulele Chord charts in English - link
- UCHORD - link
A Java program for reading in ChordPro fomatted files and adding ukulele chords for the chords in the song.
- Uke Strummer's Chord Collection and Ukulele Chords - link
A collection of over 2500 ukulele chords for use with a word processor to create song sheets. GCEA & DGBe tunings.
- - link
- Ukulele Buddy - Ukulele Chords - link )
- Ukulele Chords, King of Charts - link - One problem with this site and a lot of chord sites are the names of the names of the individual notes of the chord use enharmonic note spelling vs. the correct note name. This site also shows a photo of the fretting hand playing the chord. A photo typically sacrifices efficient playing technique to accurately show what finger is playing what note. ( Ed. Seems to be overkill and mainly a site to benefit from ad revenue.)
- UkeChords 2.1, Palm OS applications - link
- Ukulele Chord Finder & UkeMaster - link
UkeMaster iPhone app From Sheep-Entertainment
- UkuFingers iPhone/iTouch App from Uku The Mighty - link
Uku Fingers is more than a ukulele chord chart that shows you one way to play each chord. It shows you ALL the ways to play each chord – anywhere on the fretboard. Chord forms are color coded to quickly and easily find which inversion or fretboard placement makes the most sense.
- Ukulele Chord Learning Tool 1.2 - link
A Window application - Shows what positions should be held for various chord. It shows a fingerboard, staff, and tab score.
- Ukulele Chords - link is a free ukulele chord finder with thousands of chords for soprano and concert ukulele (tuned GCEA). There is also a small number of baritone ukulele chords.
- Ukulele Chords - link
A growing collection of contemporary rock and pop chord sheets for ukulele.
- The Ukulele Helper - link
- Ukulele Vault - link
- - link
This is my site, right here, link takes you directly to the ukulele Chords and Chord Progressions lesson section of my main site. Used to be a separate site but is now part of this (right here) larger site.
- Ukulizer - link
Ukulele Chord tables and the ability to transpose songs to different keys. Cool site for songs.
There's no magic or secret to knowing a lot of chords. It's a solid foundation to build on and a lot of work. Now get to work!!!
Cool Chord and Song Resources

Uke Geeks

UkeGeeks builds free JavaScript and PHP tools for ukulele players.
Listing Info
from the Uke Geeks web site
Uke Geeks is a set of free ukulele song editing tools that convert "plain text" lyrics and chord names into easy-to-read song sheets with clear chord diagrams ("fingering charts") and provides you lots of customization options.
Simple, flexible, portable -- that's the UkeGeeks philosophy. We might not always succeed, and sometimes navigating those three ideals does entail compromise, but ultimately our success is measured by your ability to create a songsheet in under 5 minutes. Given that here's a few key features that'll make your task easier.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.