Acoustic Bass Classical Guitar Humidifiers Manufacture Polish Strings Ukulele

Listing Info
from the Oasis Humidifiers web site
Hand-crafted in America, Oasis Humidifiers are the best solution to the challenge of guitar humidification. Whether you play a flat top steel string or a nylon string classical guitar, you have made a significant investment in a quality instrument. It is far less expensive to have an effective, easy to use guitar humidifier than it is to repair a cracked guitar. Give Oasis® a try and you will see how well it works!
As an avid guitar player and enthusiast, I invented Oasis® because I was frustrated with available “sound hole” humidifiers. They leak. It’s hard to know when to refill them. Getting them in and out can be complicated and difficult. Sometimes even the materials they’re made of risk scratching or dinging your instrument.
More information available on the Oasis Humidifiers's web site.
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