Gigbags Instrument Manufacture

Ritter Bags

Concepta Konzeption-Vermarktung-Beteiligung AG Neugasse 7, CH-6300 Zug (Switzerland)
Listing Info
from the Ritter Bags web site
From the start RITTER realized that faced with a choice between a bag that was functional but dull, and another which was functional and chic; people would go for the functional chic.
What is a bag? You put something in it, close it up, and carry it. How exciting is that – on a yawn scale of 1 to 10, this rates about 9.5. In 1996, RITTER™ had the vision to change all that and make bags that were not only superbly functional but also very stylish.
More information available on the Ritter Bags's web site.
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