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The Ukulele Way

The Ukulele Way Box 263 Brookfield, NS, B0N1C0 Canada
Listing Info
from the The Ukulele Way web site
The Ukulele Way is written, arranged and presented by James Hill.
The Ukulele Way is a musical journey, one that will continue for as long as you have a desire to explore new musical landscapes. The ukulele is your compass; it points the way. The lessons in this method are watering holes along the road, each with something unique to offer.
The Ukulele Way includes a wide array of print, audio and video materials so that you can follow the path that suits your needs, interests and learning style. And while there are many paths, they all have one thing in common: they’re paved with melody, harmony and rhythm.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.