Musician Teacher Ukulele

Listing Info
from the Glen Hirabayashi web site
Uncle Glen was born a long time ago on O'ahu. His family lived in Lanikai at first, but moved to a tiny house with a huge yard on the beach in Kailua with 100 coconut trees lining the driveway. He then moved to Kaua'i when he was in the second grade. He lived in Kilauea, Kaumakani, Kekaha, and Waimea on Kaua'i and spent a lot of time in a family cabin in Koke'e. His first musical instrument was the ukulele. Charlie Kaneyama used to come to the elementary schools on the west side of Kaua'i after school to teach ukulele. He remembers listening to the kanikapila sessions under the hau tree near Poipu Beach on Sundays. He didn't play much Hawai'ian music until he arrived on the East Coast the second time. He then really started playing a lot when his kids starting dancing hula with Halau O 'Aulani. That's where the Aloha Boys were born. Glen has been in the Washington, D.C.area (this time) since 1986. His wife, Donna, and two daughters, Ashley Hokunani Spaulding and Amy Melenani, support his Aloha Boys habit. Ashley is a graduate of Virginia Tech and resident of Dallas, Texas. Amy is a recent graduate of Virginia Tech and is traveling the world with Adventures in Mission. Hokunani and Melenani dance the hula for Aloha Boys performances whenever possible. With mixed emotions, Glen retired as an attorney for the U.S. Tax Court in 2012.
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