Acoustic Flattop Guitar Luthier Ukulele

Kerry Char Luthieries

5922 N. Willamette Portland, Oregon 97203 USA Phone: 503 289-5980
Listing Info
from the Kerry Char Luthieries web site
All Kerry Char guitars feature solid wood construction from some of the finest woods the world has to offer: rosewoods from Brazil and India, Koa from the Hawaiian Islands, mahogany from Africa and Honduras, various spruces: European, Sitka, Engelman, and Western Red Cedar. This is only a partial list of the tone woods available. Given the new wave of alternative tone woods, (curly walnut [Claro], myrtlewood and African black wood, to name a few,) players have an even greater choice in tone woods than ever before.
Even more information, discussion and comments on this listing below.