3 Luthiers & Builders - Pennsylvania

Akulele Ukuleles

Joseph Todaro Todaro's Music 28 N. Lansdowne Ave. Lansdowne,PA 8901 PHN: 610-623-35556
Listing Info
from the Akulele Ukuleles web site
I have designed a ukulele carved from one piece of wood similiar to our charangos. With a solid spruce top our unique Akulele has exceptionally beautiful tone and volume.
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Bucks County Folk Music Shop

40 Sand Road New Britain, PA 18901 USA PHN: (215) 345-0616 FAX: (215) 348-8761
Listing Info
from the Bucks County Folk Music Shop web site
Since 1966, we have been serving the music community through our Retail Store, Repair Shop, Teaching Center and Manufacturing Facility. The heart of our business is focused on all things related to acoustic music. We specialize in, but are not limited to, Folk, Bluegrass, Irish, Native American and World music.
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James Drury Guitars

James C Drury, Luthier Oreland PA 19075 USA
206 214-6668 267 861-4525 druryguitars@gmail.com
Listing Info
from the James Drury Guitars web site
James Drury studied at Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery. He has been building & restoring guitars & ukuleles, as well as furniture for over twelve years.
Arched instruments have been my specialty from the start. In regards to the craft, I have found little as challenging nor satisfying as the well sorted archtop.
Repair and restorations remain a substantial part of my business and I enjoy the opportunities that come with them.
By request of a dear friend, client and fellow musician, I began making tenor ukulele' in 2011. Following the first, it has become a bit of an addiction. They keep appearing in my shop, here and there, little pieces set aside, tiny fretboards, side sets too small for standard guitars, etc. They haunt me but more importantly inspire me to make more! It's a constant evolution with myriad paths to follow and explore.
More information available on the James Drury Guitars's web site.
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