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View the Main Song Downloads section below to download the song files for the complete and most up-to-date versions.
Solar is a musical composition attributed to Miles Davis on the studio album Walkin' (1954), considered a modern jazz standard. The tune has been played and recorded by many musicians including his former bandmates/collaborators Lee Konitz, Bill Evans, Dave Holland, Keith Jarrett or Jack DeJohnette.
A controversy also exists over authorship of this composition and one current consensus holds that Davis'
is essentially an earlier song, "Sonny", written by Chuck Wayne.
The first two measures of this song adorn Miles Davis' tombstone in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Solar is in the Real Book - Volume 1
— Sixth Edition book.
Solar — Premium Play-along Track
Premium Play-along Tracks are only available to Premium
members and Active/Private Students.
Here is a Demo of Desafinado to get an idea of the quality of these custom play-along tracks.
Play-along Demo: Desafinado
Desafinado — Premium Play-along Track with Guitar Melody Played
I, (Curt) originally created these tracks to perform over for gigs and this was a demo for booking gigs.
These Premium Play-along Tracks are available to Site Members and are my personal one-of-kind tracks I (Curt) and Chuck Anderson recorded and arranged.
Performance Tips For Remembering Solar
Solar Starts in Cm and does a descending modulation thru three keys, each a whole step apart ( F , Eb , Db , ). With each new key one measure shorter then the previous key.
It's a relatively simple harmonically as a series of Full Diatonic II V I in each of the three major key modulations. And, a minor II V turnback to Cm. It's a 12 bar, minor blues.
Main Song Download(s)
The main downloads for this Song.
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