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LESSONSeries : Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection

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Harmonic Analysis - The Six Harmonic Principles - Overview
This lessons cover the "Six Harmonic Principles" that are used to do a Harmonic Anlyasis - the understanding of the functional sequence of chords.
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The Six Harmonic Principles
Here is an overview of the Six Harmonic Principles.
Full Diatonic
A Full Diatonic (FD) chord is defined as a chord that has its root and species (chord type) IN its Harmonized Chord Chart(s) .
Partial Diatonic
A Partial Diatonic (PD) chord is defined as a chord that has its root in chord chart but its species is NOT in its Harmonized Chord Chart(s) .
Internal Modulation
An Internal Modulation(IM) is when a change of tonal* center has occurred.
Unresolved (UR) is when a chord is in its Harmonized Chord Chart(s) but does not resolve to the I chord.
Chromatic (CH) chords ascending or descending by chromatic half steps between roots. The root and species are NOT in the Harmonized Chord Chart(s) .
A Cycle (CYL) is when there is an equal distance between chord roots and same species for each chord, ascending or descending. A minimum of three chords is required for a cycle.
*Tonal and key will be used interchangeable throughout this series.
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