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Solidbody Electric `Ukuleles
Most acoustic ukuleles can be plugged in with the addition of a internal pickup or stick-on pickup.
This page focuses on purely Electric Ukuleles. These are typically solid body instruments with pickups. Either magnetic pickups in the same vein as solid body guitar electric pickups or a piezo under the saddle pickups.
Here is a age of Manufacture and Builders for electric ukuleles.
There are a few builders and manufactures that make solid body ukuleles that look just like miniature Fender Telecasters or Gibson Les Paul guitars.
Risa Ukulele of Germany is one of the leaders in production of electric ukuleles and was one of the first to offer a solid-body electric ukulele.
Depending on the construction, a solid body ukulele might be able to use steal strings.
( Curt ) I have an Airline Mandola - Seafoam Green that is a 18in(457mm) scale length. Really close to a standard 17in(432mm) tenor ukulele scale length so I removed four of the strings and tuned it like a ukulele: G C E A. Pretty cool looking and sounding.
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