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LESSONSeries : The Big Six Core Chords - Level Four
Chord Alterations
The "fifth", "ninth", "eleventh" and "thirteenth" of a chord can be altered. Alterations can be applied 1, 2 and 3 at a time. The alternations give a chord added color or tension.
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Lower Fifth
The Fifth of any major or minor chord type can be lowered one fret.
Raised Fifth
The Fifth of any major or minor chord type can be raised one fret.
Lowered Ninth
The Ninth of ANY chord can be raised one fret.
Raised Ninth
The Ninth of any any major or augmented chord type can be raised three frets.
Raised Eleventh
The Eleventh of any any major or augmented chord type can be raised two frets.
The Third of a minor chord type can be raised three frets.
Lowered Thirteenth
The lowered thirteenth is identical to the augmented fifth.
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