Gerald Ross Musicians
I began playing guitar at the age of fourteen, but my first musical instrument was a plastic recorder (song flute) that my brother gave to me. I would play along with records or with the music on the radio. I never thought about what I was doing I just played what sounded right to me. It must have sounded pretty good because my brothers would have me perform for their friends. They would turn on the radio and I would immediately be able to play along with whatever song they found. I also played the musical instruments that my three brothers would bring home from their school music lessons, a trumpet, a violin and a snare drum. My brothers quickly tired of their music lessons but during those few short months the instruments were in the house I had a wonderful time making sounds and attempting to make music with these instruments.

Glenn Ross, Musician Musicians
Perhaps Glen Rose is best known as a jazz pianist, but anyone who has been a part of the audience at any of his Great American Songbook concerts knows that ukulele has always been a delightful part of the act. A jazz teacher as well as a performer, Glen has become adept at bringing the secrets of the jazz sound to not only piano students, but to ukulele and guitar players as well via his unique and user-friendly jazz chord method books and workshops.

Rick Russo Musicians
Russo is the Ukulele Crooner. Rick is one of Today’s most memorable ukulele playing personalities, with his smooth ‘50 crooning styles. Rick has hosted open microphones, participated in Craig Robertson’s Ukulele Noir shows, is 1/2 of the Mai Tai Serenaders, and is one of the Ukulele Expo’s enduring fixtures.