Michael Wagner Musicians
Michael Wagner makes ukuleles sound like drum-machines, and sings manic guitar songs about love, heartbreak and zombies. He also makes audiences wonder how one man can make so many distinct sounds simultaneously come out of one instrument. Listen to the songs and watch the videos to get an idea. Even better, see it live.

Whiskeyhickon Boys Musicians
Twenty or thirty years ago, a newborn baby was bathing in the Wissahickon river when a blazing comet lit up the night sky like the forth of July. It soared through the air and entered the atmosphere and finally landed in the water right next to the laughing boy child. He reached out to touch it and something that never happened before in the history of time, did... The infant began to sing. All across the forest the birds flew into the sky in a burst of feathers as the countryside rang out with; "I was booooorn by the river...." And then the ancient prophecy came true and the world saw on that day that "a change is gonna come".

Ian Whitcomb Musicians
Ian Whitcomb (10 July 1941 – 19 April 2020) - America's Foremost Tin-Pan Alley Man, Ukulele Virtuoso, and Grammy Award-Winning Recording Artist. Ian Timothy Whitcomb (born 10 July 1941, in Woking Hospital, Woking, Surrey, England) is an entertainer, singer, songwriter, author, record producer, and actor. As part of the British Invasion, his hit song "You Turn Me On" reached number 8 on Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1965.

Spats White Musicians
"The romantic crooning of Crosby and the jazz stylings of Ukulele Ike rolled up in one," was the reaction of WOR Radio to one of Spats White's recent appearances. Variety called Spats "a winning performer." The New York Post praised his show as "a cavalcade of great songs and stories" and The New York Daily News hailed him as "among the best you'll see in the city."
Windy City Islanders Musicians
The Windy City Islanders are a ukulele-based band based in Chicago. Hang Loose is their debut CD. Perfect for a backyard luau or just hangin’ out, it features contemporary & traditional Hawaiian/Island music, tropical renditions of old favorites and original tunes.

Bill Wynne Musician
For over 45 years, Philadelphia native Bill Wynne has shared the music and culture of Hawaii with audiences from Carnegie Hall to the Monarch Room of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki. An expert in slack key guitar, steel guitar, and ukulele, Wynne is best known for his exceptional skill in the traditional Hawaiian art of falsetto singing for which he was awarded first prize – a Hula Records recording contract – in the 2005 Aloha Festivals Falsetto Contest. Wynne learned practically everything he knows about Hawaiian music through the careful study of recordings – a collecting frenzy which has a resulted in an enviable library of more than 25,000 rare Hawaiian music recordings which he now shares via his 24-hour-a-day internet-based radio station, Ho`olohe Hou Radio (//hoolohehou.com/). Wynne has twice hosted his own TV specials from Honolulu as part of the Pakele Live series and appeared more than 20 times at the New York Botanical Gardens as part of its “Visions of Hawaii” exhibit.