James Hill Musicians
How does a kid from Canada become what the Honolulu Star-Bulletin calls a “rare peer” of Hawaii’s premier ukulele players? James grew up nearly three thousand miles east of Honolulu in the town of Langley, British Columbia, where ukulele instruction has been mandatory in many schools since the late 1970s. To his fourth grade classmates, the ukulele was a means to an end, a way for them to dip their toes into the vast ocean of music. For James, the uke was a sea of possibilities unto itself and inside its tiny wooden shell he saw his life in music. He was hooked.
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String Along Ukulele Clubs
String Along Ukulele is Elayne and Norm Ruplen and we are located in Dundas, Ontario, Canada. We have over 65 years of combined experience, teaching the ukulele to both children and adults. Our life long passion for the ukulele is still as strong as ever, especially during the current resurgence in popularity of the instrument. For the past 4 years we have been honing our skills and learning from the top ukulele teachers in the world, by attending the Portland Oregon Ukulele Festival.

Anna Acevedo Lyman Musicians
ANNA (ACEVEDO) LYMAN is a Mexican-American Jazzista and Recording artist (B. Mus. Jazz Jazz Vocal Performance, Min. Guitar), born in Detroit, currently domiciled in Canada. . Anna is a jazz festival favorite, performing live, and when she’s not onstage she enjoys teaching voice and ukulele, and is a bossa nova specialist.

Guido Heistek Musicians
"Yaletown Music" is the teaching studio of teacher Guido Heistek. The studio is conveniently located on the corner of Nelson and Richards in downtown Vancouver. Guido Heistek teaches fun, student-centred ukulele lessons, guitar lessons, and harmonica lessons. Children and adults welcome.

Rubys Ukes Schools
Ruby’s Ukes is Vancouver’s Ukulele school with classes, workshops & Vancouver’s Ukulele festival. A Ukulele haven for all those interested in learning, playing and enjoying all things Ukulele. From absolute novice to advanced player, Ruby’s Ukes has the course for you!

The Ukulele Way Schools
The Ukulele Way is written, arranged and presented by James Hill.
The Ukulele Way is a musical journey, one that will continue for as long as you have a desire to explore new musical landscapes. The ukulele is your compass; it points the way. The lessons in this method are watering holes along the road, each with something unique to offer.
The Ukulele Way includes a wide array of print, audio and video materials so that you can follow the path that suits your needs, interests and learning style. And while there are many paths, they all have one thing in common: they’re paved with melody, harmony and rhythm.