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LESSONSeries : QuickStart Scale and Arpeggio Fingering Series

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Diminished Scale for `Ukulele - C Tuning
The Diminished Scale scale is a symmetrical scale with a repeating pattern of whole steps and half steps. You only need three Diminished scales to cover all 15 keys.
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- C D Eb F Gb A Bbb Cb C`
- Db Eb Fb G Abb Bbb Cbb Db`
- D E F G Ab Bb Cb Db D`
Based on the major scale the Diminished Scale contains the following scale degrees: 1 2 b3 4 b5 6 bb7 b8 8 .
The theoretically correct spelling of the Diminished scale with the double flats (bb) are shown. However Enharmonic note names can be used too make it a little easier to remember. Or simply use the repeating whole step and half step pattern.
The diminished scale works over a diminished or diminished seventh chords with the same root.
A Diminished scale starting a half step up from the root of a seventh chord contains both the third and seventh color tones of A seventh chord. It also gives you a flat nine, sharp nine and sharp fourth alterations.

With the Diminished scale being a symmetrical scale, it's a good candidate for some set fingerings using a few of the fingering principles from the The Six Secrets of Ukulele Fingering , fingering principles.
In the QuickStart Scale Fingerings for Ukulele, C Tuning - Diminished Scale you will see the Basic and Pass fingering principles used a lot with a slide thrown in at the end to get the last note, the octave.

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Diminished Scale for `Ukulele - C Tuning…
What IS a Scale?
A scale is simply a collection of pitches or notes, not really a "this is a Jazz scale", "this is a Blues" or "this is a Rock scale". It's how a scale is used that really matters, not its name.
Most music starts with a scale. The melody, chords, licks, and riffs all can be related back to a particular scale or scales.
The Six Essential Scales ( in no particulate order ):
- Blues (Minor Pentatonic)
- Pentatonic (Major Pentatonic)
- Dorian (Minor)
- Mixolydian (Dominant)
- Aeolian (Natural Minor)
- Ionian (Major)
Essential Reference Scales
There are two scales that can be the memorized and other essential scales referenced from these two. These two scales are the Ionian/Major and Aeolian/Natural Minor scales. The Major and Natural Minor scales are traditional scales and common scales in all forms of contemporary music.
This lesson explores the Major and Natural Minor scales and their derivations.

QuickStart Scale and Arpeggio Fingerings for Ukulele
This lesson uses the same page format as the QuickStart Scale & Arpeggio Fingering series of books.
QuickStart Scale Fingerings for Ukulele 3 volumes.
C, G, and D tuning.
(QuickStart Scale Fingerings for Ukulele )
The QuickStart Scale Fingerings Vol 1 covers the Blues, Pentatonic, Dorian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Ionian scales.
Each scale is also available as an individual book.
- Blues (Minor Pentatonic)
- Pentatonic (Major Pentatonic)
- Dorian (Minor)
- Mixolydian (Dominant)
- Aeolian (Natural Minor)
- Ionian (Major)

Download the PDF file for the latest, complete, and most up-to-date version. As well as additional information not presented on-line.
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