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Bingo, also known as Bingo Was His Name-Oand There Was a Farmer Who Had a Dog, is an English language children's song of obscure origin. In most modern forms, the song involves spelling the name of a dog, and with increasing letters replaced with handclaps on each repetition.
This song, in its simplest form can be played with three chords: the I , IV , and V or V7 chords in a major key. In the example here they are: G , C , and D7 or D , shown in C Tuning, High or Low G.
Open Position Chords
These are the basic Open Position Chords that can get you through Bingo.
Starts on the P5 and ascends a P4.
- The melody is entirely taken from a major scale and starting on the fifth of the same: G A B C D E F G`.
- There is a single pick-up note to start the melody.
Harmonic Analysis (RMA)
Bingo is a Full Diatonic chord progressions using the I , IV , V chords of its corresponding major scale. In the Key of G these chords are the G , C , D7 .
Resources & Links
Main Song Download(s)
The main downloads for this Song.
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