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Baritone `Ukuleles
The Baritone ukulele is the largest of the standard, most common sized ukuleles. It is tuned just like the thin, higher four strings of a standard tuned guitar (D G B A). This makes it a great starting instrument for little tikes wanting to play guitar but can't handle the steel strings and larger body size of the most acoustic guitars.
- 19in(482mm) to 20in(508mm) Scale Length
- 19 to 21 frets
The tuning for the Baritone is most commonly D G B A, or "G" Tuning.
G Tuning
A variation for Baritone ukulele is for string four to be a high "D". This tuning is a re-entrant tuning and often reffered to as "Hawai`ian Tuning" to . A reentrant tuning is where the strings are not ordered from the lowest pitch to the highest pitch.
High D, G Tuning
Note: There are variation of concerts ukulele with a tenor ukulele scale length. Using the proper strings a tenor ukulele can also be tuned d G B E, a G tuning with a high D. See the Baritone Ukulele page for more details on this tuning.
Here is a chart of the each note in Standard Music Notation for C Tuning , high or low G.
See the Ukulele Tunings page for additional tunings.
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