Whetstone Music

Scott Hausman Battleboro, Vermont USA 802-258-8189
Listing Info
from the Whetstone Music web site
Scott’s line of Whetstone ukuleles are inspired by the old Martin ukes from the 30’s, and they clearly embody those classic proportions and vintage vibe. Combined with spectacular materials and superb craftsmanship, these instruments are sure to dazzle your senses and inspire your playing.
Scott’s line of Whetstone acoustic guitars are straight forward instruments patterned after some of the most popular guitar designs of all time. The materials for each build are carefully selected from his stock of fine seasoned tonewoods, and they’re meticulously handcrafted for optimum tone and playability.
More information available on the Whetstone Music's web site.
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Wise Luthiers

P.O. Box 420 Margaret River, Western 6285 Australia Outside Australia (61) 897573224 Inside Australia 08 97573224 eMail: scott@scottwise.net
Listing Info
from the Wise Luthiers web site
Ukulele luthier from Margaret River, Western, Australia. Welcome to the Wise Ukulele website. I am Scott Wise. I have been making ukuleles since 1979. I have always had a deep interest in historic Hawaiian ukuleles and their precursors from Portugal and Spain.
I believe that the traditional lightly built handmade ukuleles of the early 20th century have important characteristics which are not found in modern instruments. I am working to regain some of the old magic.
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Whiskey Hotel Instruments

12698 Merlau Ave Prairieville, MI USA
Phone: 269-615-1151
Listing Info
from the Whiskey Hotel Instruments web site
Whiskey Hotel Instruments is a Michigan-based boutique custom luthier. Using carefully selected materials, luthier Wayne Hayward creates unique instruments, uniquely for you.
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Widman Custom Electrics

North Carolina, USA
johnwidman@charter.net | Tel. (828) 775-8970
Listing Info
from the Widman Custom Electrics web site
At Widman Custom Electrics’ we approach our passion with a simple quest, to make the best sounding instrument we can. To do this takes experimentation, time, reflection, understanding, and a commitment to work through the process. Locating fine woods is just one aspect of the job. Technical skills are developed every day. Artistic vision is a talent that is nurtured by observation and inspiration. Feedback from our customers and endorsees is essential. All of these attributes contribute to our mission - customer satisfaction.
The Widman Custom Electrics’ lineup includes three different electric guitar models, the Gigmaster, the T-Master, and the set neck models - the SN22 and the SN24. Each model may be adapted to any customers’ specifics. In addition, John also makes acoustic and electric banjos, and fine tenor and baritone ukuleles.
More information available on the Widman Custom Electrics's web site.
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Wunderkammer Musicial Instrument Company

Wunderkammer Musical Instrument Co. Bristol, England
Liam Kirby, Proprietor, Wearer of Proper Trousers
Listing Info
from the Wunderkammer Musicial Instrument Company web site
Ukuleles, Hawaiian Guitars etc. handmade in Bristol, England, by Liam Kirby, Proprietor, Wearer of Proper Trousers. Custom builds & One-offs.
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