This is where I – (Curt) will hopefully keep you updated
on the pages that have been changed, added, or been edited. For Lessons , Songs , and Books checkout their respective home pages.
2023 Updates & Learning Ukulele with Curt • 20 Years of `Ukulele greatness
- NEW Adding release dates of the songs for the Yellow Book Harmonic Analysis Series of lessons.
- UPDATED 26 Miles (Santa Catalina) Intro (TAB and Audio sample) added.
- NEW Oh, Susanna
- NEW The Night Before
- NEW Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Been In
- NEW Peggy Sue — The Buddy hit from 1957, with the Intro and Solo in the Yellow Book Key of G.
Adding Melodies
For songs in the Public Domain is adding the melody, the first phrase in standard music notation, TAB, and an audio sample for the songs as an aide for learning some of the less popular songs.
All Through The Night
C Tuning, Low or Low G
- NEW Que Sera, Sera — Made famous by Doris Day. A coll, east 3/4 Waltz, felt in one.
- NEW All Through The Night — The songs with titles beginning with A are done. • Attempting to get the Holiday songs done before the end of the year.
- NEW America, The Beautiful , America, (My Country 'Tis Of Thee) , Anchors Aweigh , America, The Beautiful , Any Time , Avalon . 1/3 rd of the way through The Daily Ukulele book.
- NEW & UPDATED Instrument Cables pages with Wireless recommendations: Bottom line, get either a Shure BLX14R Wireless Guitar System or the Shure GLXD16 Wireless Guitar Pedal System with Built in tuner.
- NEW Wake Up Little Susie with Performance Notes and TAB. Play it just like The Everly Brother recording.
- NEW Eight Days A Week with Performance Notes and TAB. Play it just like George Harrison did.
- NEW Bye Bye Love with Performance Notes and TAB. Used The Everly Brothers' hit as reference.
- NEW Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah from the Disney 1946 live action and animated movie Song of the South.
- NEW Bad, Bad Leroy Brown with Performance Notes, TAB and Audio example accompaniment.
- UPDATED Brown Eyed Girl in the Key of C as n the Daily Ukulele books and the original key of G.
- NEW Proud Mary
- NEW Tonight You Belong to Me
- more in the works for 2023 …
- UPDATED Added the Intros and Fills to the Performance Notesfor the Keys of C and G to Brown Eyed Girl . This is one of those songs that you should know, at a minimum in two keys.
Added the Intro and 1st and 2nd Endings fills as played by Lyle Ritz to Tonight You Belong To Me . Learn these as Lyle played them on the soundtrack for the Steve Martin movie,
The Jerk
Added the Beatles, A Hard Day's Night to the
Daily Ukulele — 365 Songs for Better Living Harmonic Analysis Series of Lessons
. Learn how to simulate the most famous first chord in music. - NEW
Added the Buddy Holly 1957 No. 1 hit, That'll Be The Day to the
Daily Ukulele — 365 Songs for Better Living Harmonic Analysis Series of Lessons
. Add the Intro for Ukulele groups to turn this song into a performance and not just strum along.
Added The Monkees 1966 first #1 hit, Last Train To Clarksville to the
Daily Ukulele — 365 Songs for Better Living Harmonic Analysis Series of Lessons
. Add the Intro & Solos to the for Ukulele groups to turn this song into a performance and not just strum along. This song will go great with their 1967 #1 hit, I'm A Believer

- NEW A PDF Leadsheet in Standard Music Notation and Ukulele TAB of Curt's every evolving original song, Pony Express . An original Bluegrass inspired song. Also posted a video from Curt's Live performance at 2023 NJ Uke Fest.

Added a super close approximation of the Intro from the song, Happy Together by The Turtles's from the original recording transposed F#m to Dm .

Introduction & Verse Accompaniment Riff/Lick/Figure.
Continue for Chords of the Verse:
Dm C Bb A
- UPDATED Proper Fretting Hand Placement updated with more on how to demo where the Thumbs and FIngers should go on the fretting hand of the ukulele. At our annual Funky Frets Uke Fest, I saw more examples of efficient fretting hand technique then efficient. Check it out, we don't want to to do more work then necessary.
- UPDATED All About `Ukulele Strings , pages. Be sure to checkout Curt's Personal Ukulele Strings Recommendations .
Rocky Top ,
Rock Around The Clock ,
Under The Boardwalk ,
Mele Kalimaka added to The Daily Ukulele, a.k.a,
Yellow Book
Harmonic Analysis Worksheets series of lessons. - UPDATED Updates to the Jazz Repertoire and Blues Repertoire . Curt presented two workshop this past weekend on Exploring Jazz and Blues at the 2023 New Jersey Uke Fest — Great to back in NJ. Both drawn right from these pages.
- 2023 and summer in the Northern Hemisphere is winding down, kids are back to schools, vacations ending. Good time for one to get back into more ukulele and learn a few new songs and in my case (Curt) re-learn a few of my old sons. Update the leadsheets to any tweaks I've made to my arrangements.
- UPDATED Added the Songs , updates to a lot of the songs. It's about playing songs.
- NEW Added the Modal Interchange and Borrowed Chords to the Glossary of Music Terms .
- UPDATED the Site FAQ and Members FAQ pages.
- 2023 is flying by! Hope every one is enjoying the Summer (Norther Hemisphere) and getting in some serious Ukulele time.
— Finally figured out getting the Sidebar Navigation to show and hide depending on the screen size. You can also finally, using the
burger menu button
to show and hide the Sidebar one mobile (smaller screens).
Located in the upper left hand corner of the page.
- For July 4th and all's USA Ukulele players, checkout the Star Spangled Banner Solo Ukulele Arrangement
- UPDATED On Broadway song page. A premium play-along track that features key modulations inspired by George Benson's rendition from Weekend in LA. This cool track takes you on a musical journey through the keys of E, F, F#, G, and Ab, just like Benson's iconic version.
- NEW • LESSONSeries Added All The Things You Are Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection worksheets.
- UPDATED What is the Difference Between a Scale and a Mode? lesson.
- UPDATED NEW Added the Autumn Leaves leadsheet, Key of G/Em for the play-along track that was missing.
- UPDATED Updated one of the most popular songs on, Blue Bossa .
- UPDATED and this Week's Featured Lesson: Major Arpeggios in Five Positions • When it comes to chords, it's important to understand the notes they consist of and their intervals. Each chord is made up of a combination of specific notes, and the intervals between these notes determine the chord's quality and character. By learning the names and intervals of the notes in a chord, you can understand its structure and how it functions within a particular musical context.
- NEW UPDATED Added Tiny Tim to the Ukulele History Timeline .
- NEW UPDATED updated ALL festival listings I could and added a few new one.
- NEW UPDATED and Expanded, 2nd Edition of QuickStart Scale Fingerings for Ukulele, Volume I, C Tuning book. THis is a FREE version for ALL Premium Members. However, anyone can view the entire book online, albeit a smaller version depending on your computer screen.
- NEW UPDATED leadsheets for the Bobby Timmons's classic, Moanin' . Now includes bot the original key of Fm chart matching the Premium Play-along track and a Ukulele friendly key of Cm leadsheet.
- NEW Added Ryan's Ukes to the Ukulele Luthiers listing. I, (Curt) meet Ray at the 2023 Allegheny Ukulele Soirée and he builds some amazing ukulele.
- UPDATED • LESSONSeries Churning through the songs in the the songs in the Daily Ukulele (the Yellow Book) and performing an harmonic analysis on selected songs (70+ done as of May 1st) using the principles from my (Curt) book: Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection . Checkout the Daily Ukulele Song Index for the songs that are done. We'll be adding songs as they are done. Let Curt if there are any songs you would like tackled.
- NEW • LESSONSeries Added Giant Steps and Lullabye Of Birdland Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection worksheets.
- UPDATED • LESSONSeries Going through the songs in the the songs in the Daily Ukulele (the Yellow Book) and performing an harmonic analysis on selected songs (50+ done as of April 3) using the principles from my (Curt) book: Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection . Checkout the Daily Ukulele Song Index for the songs that are done. We'll be adding songs as they are done. Let Curt if there are any songs you would like tackled.
- NEW • LESSONSeries Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection to the songs in the Daily Ukulele (the Yellow Book). Over the source of 2023 I'll (Curt) will be going through the songs in the Daily Ukulele books and performing a Harmonic Analysis of the songs. This is a great way to compare how songs are constructed and how I determine when to add, fix or change chords to a song. Visit the Daily Ukulele Song Index for the first songs I've tacked. (25 March 2023 Update: 51 songs done.
- UPDATED • LESSONSeries Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection added audio examples of various common Full Diatonic chord progressions .
- UPDATED • Site Terms and Conditions/Policy .
- UPDATED • LESSONSeries Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection lessons series is being updated with all the PDF content being viewable online. All the content for the book, Harmonic Analysis for Scale and Chord Selection book has always been available for viewing using the Online PDF Viewer. Over the course of the next few weeks all the content will be available viewable online with additional content added.
- NEW • Every wanted to know just how to warmup for a performance or the local jam? A new Lessons Series has been stated with some tips and tricks that the pros us LESSONSeries Warm Up Routines .
- NEW • Related Books and Workshops have been added to ALL LESSONSeries .
- UPDATED • UKULELELesson Ukulele Chords – Triads, Strings 1 2 3 .
- UPDATED • Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and said six more weeks of winter.
- UPDATED • Waiting for Punxsutawney Phil to let us know (Northeast USA) is we have six more weeks of winter.
We'll let you know the result February 2nd, Ground Hoq Day.
Punxsutawney Phil
(wikiwand) · Punxsutawney Phil is the name given to a groundhog residing in Young Township near Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, who is the central figure in Punxsutawney's annual Groundhog Day celebration. The Groundhog Day celebration is rooted in a Celtic and Germanic tradition that says that if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on February 2, the pagan holiday of Imbolc (known among Christians as Candlemas), winter and cold weather will last another six weeks. If no shadow is seen, legend says, spring will come early. In Germany, the tradition evolved into a myth that if the sun came out on Candlemas, a hedgehog would cast its shadow, predicting snow all the way into May.[9] When German immigrants settled in Pennsylvania, they transferred the tradition onto local fauna, replacing hedgehogs with groundhogs. Several other towns in the region hold similar Groundhog Day events.

Gobbler's Knob — Miniature replica at MRRV, Carnegie Science Center , Pittsburg
There are quite a few towns that have their own ground hog seasonal prognosticator: Balzac Billy, Balzac, Alberta, Canada • Milltown Mel, Milltown, New Jersey, USA, General Beauregard Lee, George, USA for Southern USA • Staten Island Chuck, Staten Island, New York City, USA.
- NEW • Added Bonanza Ukuleles to the Instrument Manufactures & Luthiers listings. Couldn't find any place on their site for what state they live in. Do know they are in the USA.
- UPDATED • Updates to Open Position Chords and Their Movable Forms Series . This is a great companion to the Learn A Chord A Day Series .
- NEW • Added Triad information to January's Chord a Day chords .
- NEW • Finally got around to implementing Instant PDF Downloads when buying a PDF (working through getting all PDFs for instant download.) to the site. I no longer have to be sure to catch an email that a PDF has been purchased. You will get an email with a download link right after purchase to download the file.
- UPDATED • The Learn a New Chord Each Day!!! series has been updated with the common Harmonic Functions of the chords This series was started 2013 and has been added to and updated each year ever since.
- NEW • Added Root Position piano chords to January's The Learn a New Chord Each Day!!! . This is great for adding a bit of piano to your repertoire. Especially with the ability to do your own home recording. The later great jazz ukulele player, Lyle Ritz , one of the Wrecking Crew session bassists. Did the bass on a his CD, No Frills ukulele CD on a MIDI keyboard direct into a MacBook.
2022 Updates
- UPDATED QuickStart Play-along Tracks pages updated for the Six Essential Scales . Checkout the FREE QuickStart Play-along Track: Blues .
- NEW UPDATED • Checkout the Fishman Loudbox Mini Charge for a portable, great sounding acoustic amp for your ukulele. There is a reason any Fishman it's my main backup choice for my (Curt's) gigging gear. One-third the price of my AER Compact 60 and a lot more portable. It's the main amp we recommend and sell at our family music store: Funky Frets Music Store home of the Annual Funky Frets Uke Fest in Boyertown, PA USA.
- UPDATED The following have bee updated: Dominant Seventh Chords? , Every Finger, Every String , How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain - Anita Collins , Harmonic Analysis - Chord Substitution Principles , and many more….
- UPDATED Tahitian Ukulele or Tahitian Banjo page updated.
& UPDATED Help section . Finally got some time to overhaul and update the
section of the site. - UPDATED Introduction to Soloing on `Ukulele Using Scales and Triads Plus One .
- UPDATED Amplifying Your Ukulele & Amplifying Your Ukulele: Manufactures .
- UPDATED Ear Training – Pitch Recognition lesson page updated with a few new songs to use for identifying intervals.
- UPDATED 2023 Festivals Being Updated • Going through all the listed festivals for 2022 and checking for 2023 dates. If anyone knows of a festival that is missing from, please let me know. We do have the best collection of festival listings on the web . Don't want to miss any festivals, as more are coming back live.
- UPDATED Going through and adding Open Position Chords to a lot of songs .
- UPDATED the FREE Open Position Chords lesson.
- UPDATED added open position chords to the Pink Panther song lesson.
- NEW Sent out the first Site Newsletter in a long time. Goal is to keep site members better informed.
- NEW Endless tweaking of the site navigation continues. With sooooooo much available on navigation and organization is an endless battle. Remember that Using Search is always a great option — let the computer do what it is good at doing.
- UPDATED Added new lesson: Mixolydian Progressions to the Common Chord Progressions and Remembering Songs series of lessons.
- NEW Added a ukulele leadsheet for the 1967 Turtles song: Happy Together . Cool song using the common The Andalusian Chord Progression .
- NEW Notation & Recording Software page of resources for Music Notation and Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software.
- NEW Songs: Musician's Guitar to Distribution & Digital Distribution by Dr. Allen Phd.
- NEW Guest lesson: How to Spell `Ukulele by Patrick Moffitt.
- NEW Added Pau Hana Ukuleles by Tom Russell Kailua Kona, HI USA.
- UPDATED My (Curt's) String Recommendations on the Ukulele Strings . My custom set I put together is available now.
- NEW Added the Fats Waller song Ain't Misbehaven' . This is the song that the Funky Frets Uke Players are performing to open the 2022 Funky Frets Uke Fest , in Boyertown, PA USA October 7, 2022.
- UPDATED The Latest News page has been updated.
- UPDATED Glossary of Music Terms
- NEW • The ukulele is all about community and sharing. And, what better place to develop the community than with its own Discord server Chime in and help grow the community.
• Back to School SALE In the Northern Hemisphere this is the
Back to School
season. Vacations are over and everyone is settling into their new routine. Starting September 1st there is a sale on the Forever Premium Site Membership. and save $80 (USD). This IS a great deal that I don't know how long I'll run it. - NEW • Tag any listing as a favorite for later recall. Favorite can be accessed from your User Profile
- UPDATED • Lots of updated site sections. Getting to updating all the festival site for their dates for 2023 that I run across. I'm visiting previous festivals to see if they are doing 2023. Let me know of any to visit and add or updated on teh site.
- UPDATED • The Copyright Resources & Links .
- UPDATED • The Ukulele Strings pages.
- UPDATED • The FAQ page. FAQ pages and GLossary pages are a great resources for information and little tidbits of musical knowledge that can go a long way in enhancing your enjoyment of music and your chose instruments(s).
- UPDATED • The Blues pages. Added a few blues style descriptions. Will be adding a further analysis of the styles for playing on ukulele. Updated the Repertoire, Improvisation page.
- UPDATED • July and August has seen massive amounts of work and changes go into / Learning Ukulele with Curt. A NEW site color theme, added more related links to the lessons, books, songs, and workshops.
- NEW • Added a Tuning page and Metronome page . Get in Tune and Play in Time!
NEW User Profile Access Menu
Members can now access their Favorites, Completed Lessons, Assets & Assignments and if a Private Student their Lesson Notes through a handy dandy dropdown menu by clicking on their profile avatar in the upper right hand corner of the page.

- UPDATED • Lessons — Checkout the Main Lessons Page and view by Last Updated for all the changes and updated lessons..
- NEW From the Performance Archives — Posted a few songs from previous performances. As typical of most artists and performers we are not always totally, un-conditionally happy with a performance. So, I'm presenting these with musical warts and all.
- NEW User Profile Menu for accessing their Favorites, Completed Lessons, Assets & Assignments.
- The Annual Summer Site Cleanup for 2022 and, in the
, a re-factoring has started. Expect a lot of new goodness around
- NEW Summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) Theme • is starting to look great.
- NEW Harmonica Section • The Harmonica is a great, portable, and unassuming instrument and fun to learn. Even more portable than our favorite instrument – the Ukulele.
- Ukulele Festivals pages has been updated with 2022 dates and NEW festivals. As, festivals are getting back to live, in-person festivals. I've slowly been updating and adding new festivals.
- Ukulele Strings page has been updated. Fellow ukulele players are always asking
Can I get the strings you use?
. Yes, you can — I'm packaging up my custom set that I've been using, for years and making them available thru our family music store, Funky Frets. Look for these over the next couple of weeks.
WOW!, I actually keep this up for a year — might actually keep it going.
- Ukulele Festivals Around the World page has been updated.
- Sheet Music And Music Collections page has been updated.
- All videos for the Triads and Alternating Thumb Fingerpicking workshops have been posted.
- Week One video added for: Triads — You Know More Than You Think has been uploaded.
- Videos added for: Learning the Ukulele Fingerboard & Bass for Ukulele Players workshops. The Learning the Ukulele Fingerboard is FREE to view.
- NEW Workshops Schedule & Going' Live Schedule for 2022.
- Getting ready for 2022 and a great new stuff coming to
2021 Updates
- Search Pages Updated • The Lessons , Songs , Books , etc search pages have bee tweaked a bit ti reveal some of the features that an not that obvious. Such, as sorting by Updated items.
- Open Position Chords & Their Movable Forms • Updated a few of the lessons in this series and going over the series for more updates.
- Added my Moanin, Premium play-along Track , Moan', the Bobby Timmons, first recorded by Art Blakey's band on the 1958 album of the same title. The play-along is available to ALL Gold members.
- Reading Songs & Leadsheets • Playing music, especially the ukulele is all about getting together with others and playing songs. Reading music opens you to a world of music beyond the ukulele. And, It's not as hard as you might think to read chord charts, leadsheets, fake books, and learning your way through a song's roadmap.
- The Lessons , Series , Books , Songs , Songs , and Songs , search pages have been update with more sorting.
- UPDATED: Jammin' Pages have been updates. This is the section where you can learn all about Jamulus , Latency , and Open Mic and Jam Etiquette .
- Added: Berkshire County Uke Fest - Oct 17, 2021 to Ukulele Festivals. Fest is held at: HiLo North Adams, 55 Union St., North Adams, MA 01247 USA
- Search Pages Updated: The Lessons , Lesson Series , Songs , Playalongs , Books , and, Videos search pages have been update to use the latest version of the Open-Source search engine, MeiliSearch, an open source, blazing fast and hyper relevant search-engine that I use to enhance your LearningUkulele experience.
- UPDATED Setting Up Your Ukulele: Action, Intonation — A description of the terms you'll most likely encounter regarding the setup and maintenance of your ukulele. And, you can learn to do a lot more yourself than you would think.
- UPDATED Series: Triads - Traditional and Contemporary Triads and Introduction to Soloing on `Ukulele Using Scales and Triads Plus One lessons series has been updated.
- NEW lesson series added on Piano for Ukulele Players . Have you ever been walking by a piano and just wanted to play something?
- Updated Ukulele Festivals: Several up-coming ukulele festivals scheduled for the remainder of 2021 have gone virtual, implemented COVID protocols, or canceled. Your own Funky Frets Uke Fest that our family music store runs in Boyertown, PA USA had to cancel for 2021. Checkout the Ukulele Festivals Around the World listings and calendar to get the latest information regarding the any particular festival and be sure to check the festivals website for he latest and most update information of that festival.
- NEW lesson added on Voice Leading . Voice Leading is the smooth connection of one chord to another. The concept is pretty simple and only has two (2) principles. This makes the 699 lesson on, Learning Ukulele with Curt. One more to go for 700.
to the Glossary of Music Terms . - UPDATED
The History of the `Ukulele page. There several great books available on the history, the instruments, and the adventures of the ukulele available and worth checking out. Added the book:
The Martin Ukulele: The Little Instrument That Helped Create a Guitar Giant
. I have this book it is a really good history of Martin GUitar and the Ukulele. - UPDATED The Six Secrets of Ukulele Fingering book. A bunch of the examples have been fixed - especially the Contraction examples. Download the new updated book if you this book and you should have this book t you really want to learn how t=oe navigate the ukulele fingerboard and take advantage of all the possible pathways possible.
- Added Amy Kucharik , a Massachusetts based Singer-Songwriter to the Ukulele Musicians and Ukulele Teachers pages.
- The Monthly Site Access Plan is back.
- The Monthly Site Access Plan is back.
- Types of Chords Available on `Ukulele updated with some new information. Chords are what we do the most of on ukulele.
- One-on-One Private Lessons with Curt. • Book a private lessons or series of lessons with Curt.
- Updated Ukulele Festivals pages. • Updated festival listings for 2021 and beyond.
- New Page: • Open Mic Etiquette page. • Here are few tips to joining in on an Open Mic, Jam Session, Kanakapila — virtual or in-person.
- UPDATED • Amplifying Your Ukulele: Pickups page. • "Passive, Active, Electric" – Just what does all that have to do with getting my ukulele louder? This page goes a long way in helping you understand just what is involved in getting your ukulele louder.
- NEW • Jazz Ukulele: Additional page. • The Jazz Guitar community has a wealth of knowledge and resources that we can draw from. This new page will highlights a few of the better resources that I have come across. My original two web sites that I created that ultimately morphed in where my original and